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Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

For programmers, working overtime late into the night has become commonplace. P rogrammers work long hours, and it's perfect if they can work remotely where they like. I f you like to travel around the world, you can take a stroll on the beach while doing your job well. I f you like to stay at home, you can wear pajamas every day and do your job well at home. Aren't people looking forward to this kind of work?

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!1

In fact, many Internet companies have adopted this model of remote work, like Github, whose remote work teams are very large, with about 60% of employees working remotely. I f you also want to be a part of remote work, then the following W3Cschool sister-in-law for everyone to collect remote work-related resources, you must not miss. This part of the resource includes tools, services, platforms, communities, teams, and articles.

1. Tools and services

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!2

If you want to work remotely, tools are essential. L ike Github's large remote work team, they collaborate with an automated tool called Hubot. T he W3Cschool sister-in-law collects remote work tools and services for everyone, including Toggl, Focus Timer, tomato potatoes, Trello,, Productione, Teambition and more. S ome of these tools have chat capabilities, support many commands, support monitoring, and so on. I f you need it, you can go to to see it.

2. Audio and video materials/cartoons/reading notes

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!3

The theory knows more than video. W3Cschool collects remote work audio and video materials, cites video examples such as the tower team's 24-month remote collaboration practice, 37signals remote work introduction, etc., so that people can better understand the remote work mode and have a clearer understanding of remote work.

3. Platforms and communities

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!4

Platforms such as Morning and Night, Programmer Inn, NomadIc Community, Code Market, V2MM, etc., are paradises for remote workers, bringing together many freelancers. I n these communities, you can interact with freelancers around the world and share remote work experience. T his part of the resource is right here in

4. Remote teams/books

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!5

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!6

The W3Cschool sister-in-law has selected remote teams for everyone to find the organization and team. If you also want to be a freelancer and work remotely where you want to go, you can look at other people's teams.

5. Articles and discussions

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!7

As the saying goes, "Before people plant trees and then people cool off", if someone has gone to eat remote work this first mouthful of crab, all you need to do is see how others operate. This part of the content, mainly is the remote worker's perception, self-report, remote work notes and so on.

6. Remote job recruitment website

 Looking for a remote job to earn dollars? These remote resources can help you!8

To become a freelancer, if you already know the tools, if you have an understanding of someone else's remote work patterns and have the confidence to do well, you can check out the Remote Work recruitment site. W3Cschool sister-in-law for everyone to collect recruitment sites, including english selection, remote, morning and night recruitment and so on.

Remote work can be said to be the ideal working state for many people. Y ou can work where you want to go, or you can spend more time with your family. E specially for developers, remote work is completely achievable. W 3Cschool sister for everyone to collect remote work-related resources, do not know whether you like it or not. T his part of the resources, is still in the ongoing finishing, it is highly recommended to collect