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How to double click datagridview in

Asked by Waverly Hill on Dec 02, 2021

If I use DataGridView.CurrentRow then if a row is selected and user clicked anywhere on the grid the current row will show the selected and not where the user clicked (which in this case would be not on a row and I would want to ignore it). Try the CellMouseDoubleClick event... This will only fire if the user is actually over a cell in the grid.
It’s true that the DataGridView doesn’t have row click or row double click event. I think what you want to do is that raising an event when the user click a selected row.
In this manner, DataGridView provides a visual interface to data. It is an excellent way to display and allow editing for your data. It is accessed with VB.NET code.
To programmatically click on button in specific row, you can call the method that you created as event handler of CellContentClick event, using suitable DataGridViewCellEventArgs as e and your DataGridView as sender:
You can use an object collection, such as a List (Of String), in your DataGridView using the Visual Basic language. The object collection will be read. Its properties (get accessors) will be used to display the values on the screen. Tip: This is the easiest way to get started with DataGridView.