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What is unix command prompt?

Asked by Clare Sierra on Dec 14, 2021 UNIX Getting started

A command prompt is used in a text-based or "command-line" interface, such as a Unix terminal or a DOS shell. It is a symbol or series of characters at the beginning of a line that indicates the system is ready to receive input. It other words, it prompts the user for a command (hence the name).
Useful Commands in Unix – Tutorials List Unix Basic and Advanced Commands (cal, date, banner, who, whoami ) (this tutorial) Unix File System Commands (touch, cat, cp, mv, rm, mkdir) Unix Processes Control Commands (ps, top, bg, fg, clear, history) Unix Utilities Programs Commands (ls, which, man, su, sudo, find, du, df)
Next, Without doing this, your UNIX commands won’t run on the command prompt. After you have done this then you can use any Datastage command for interacting with the server. The main command Using the dsjob command you can start,stop,reset or run the job in validation mode. This command will actually run the job in validation mode.
In addition,
DataStage commands in Unix. Without doing this, your UNIX commands won’t run on the command prompt. After you have done this then you can use any Datastage command for interacting with the server. The main command you can use is the ‘dsjob’ command which is not used only to run jobs but for a wide variety of reasons.
Keeping this in consideration,
Now your command prompt should begin with: c:nvflash_gui> This means that you can now tell the CLI to perform actions from inside that folder. Now you can use the CLI to interact with nvflash.exe From your open CLI type: "nvflash -h" - this will display information about the various settings you can use that nvflash has built into it.