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Which is a subclass of uitextfield in swift?

Asked by Kinslee Jacobs on Dec 13, 2021 Swift

Failed to load latest commit information. SearchTextField is a subclass of UITextField, written in Swift that makes really easy the ability to show an autocomplete suggestions list. You can decide wether to show the list as soon as the field is focused or when the user starts typing.
In fact,
UITextField has pretty support for placeholder text. UITextView doesn’t. So if you need a multi-line editable text component, you don’t get a pretty placeholder. Here’s how to roll your own. This tutorial has been updated to Swift 2.0. First, requirements.
Additionally, The first argument of the attributed string is the string we want to display, and the second argument is for the attributes we want to use. In the above example we are only using the .foregroundColor attribute and setting it to for simplicity. You could make this any color you want.
The default value for this property is UITextField.BorderStyle.none. If the value is set to the UITextField.BorderStyle.roundedRect style, the custom background image associated with the text field is ignored.
The input variable has type UITextField, which is an object and can't be compared to an Int. So you have to access its text, which is an string, and cannot be compared to Int as well, so, convert it to an Int using the expression above, it will give you the int value that the string holds.