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How to use tsql base64 encoding in sql server?

Asked by Jayceon Harding on Dec 13, 2021 SQL

SELECT CAST (N'' AS XML).value ( 'xs:base64Binary (xs:hexBinary (sql:column ("bin")))' , 'VARCHAR (MAX)' ) Base64Encoding FROM ( SELECT CAST (N'मन्त्रीले उल्ट्याए सात छन्।' AS VARBINARY (MAX)) AS bin ) AS bin_sql_server_temp; – hsuk Sep 16 '13 at 11:37 @hsuk varchar isn't compatable with Unicode.
Keeping this in consideration,
Solution. Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with textual data. From this definition, we would expect the Base64 content is stored in a VARCHAR(max) data type in SQL Server.
Moreover, The T-SQL below uses XQuery to decode and convert the Base64-encoded text into binary type. This query will be subsequently used as a source input in SSDT. WITH ConvertBase64 AS (SELECT Base64Content, 'C:mssqltipsimages' + FileName as [PathAndFileName] FROM [ImageDB]. [dbo].
Also Know,
The Encoding and Decoding of a string function are very usefull in Sql Server. Many times there is a need to encrypt or decrypt password some special column values in sql then you can use this sql code and achieve your objective with in a minute.
Next, Using the function OPENJSON, we extract the BASE64 String from the JSON XQuery (XML Query) is a query language designed to query XML data. Transact-SQL supports a subset of the XQuery language, which can be used for querying xml data type.