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How to write scripting in dash in shell scripting?

Asked by Caiden Beasley on Dec 11, 2021 Shell - An example of programming

Instead of assigning the function code to the function, the dash shell executed the code within the function definition, then complained about the format of the shell script.If you’re writing shell scripts that may be used in the ash or dash environment, always use the second method of defining your functions:
Let us understand the steps in creating a Shell Script: 1 ! /bin/sh 2 Write some code. 3 Save the script file as 4 For executing the script type bash
Just so, In the ash and dash shells, things are a little different. The echo statement in the ash and dash shells automatically recognizes and displays special characters. Because of this, there is no –e command line parameter. If you try to run the same script in an ash or dash environment, you get this output:
One may also ask,
Scripts can be written for all kinds of interpreters — bash, tsch, zsh, or other shells, or for Perl, Python, and so on. You could even omit that line if you wanted to run the script by sourcing it at the shell, but let’s save ourselves some trouble and add it to allow scripts to be run non-interactively.
In respect to this,
I recommend the following in bash scripts: In dash, set -o doesn't exist, so use only set -euf. What do those do? If a command fails, set -e will make the whole script exit, instead of just resuming on the next line.