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How are redis clients supporting support for redis?

Asked by Ryland Hayden on Dec 10, 2021 Redis

A Redis client supporting Sentinel can automatically discover the address of a Redis master from the master name using Redis Sentinel. So instead of a hard coded IP address and port, a client supporting Sentinel should optionally be able to take as input: A list of ip:port pairs pointing to known Sentinel instances.
In addition, Redis Ltd. provides commercial support with Redis Enterprise, available as a serverless fully-managed cloud service and an on-premises software deployment. Redis Enterprise simplifies the management of Redis at scale and includes advanced security, active-active geo distribution, and on-call customer support.
Next, Asynchronous Qt-based Redis client with SSL and SSH tunnelling support. Redis Cluster C++ Client, based on hiredis, support password and standalone, it's easy to make and use, not depends on C++11 or later. This is a Redis client, based on hiredis and written in C++11.
Connecting to a single, standalone Redis server is simple enough: simply point to the host, port, and provide the authentication password, if any. Most Redis clients even provide support for some sort of URI connection specification as well.
Redis Client is based on redis-sharp for the basic communication functions, but it offers some differences. An async redis client designed for simplicity and reliability. A redis client based on hiredis, supports cluster/pipeline and is thread safe and includes two files only. The transaction is on the way:)