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How to add firebase to react realtime database?

Asked by Zariah Castaneda on Dec 03, 2021 React

Firestore Mutation Upsert (update or insert) data to Firestore example Batched Writes Sandboxes Infinite List Mutation Transaction Setup Install If you haven't, install the firebaseJS client. yarn add firebase # Ornpm i firebase
The Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data is stored as JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client. React Native Firebase provides native integration with the Android & iOS Firebase SDKs, supporting both realtime data sync and offline capabilities. Introducing Firebase Realtime Database
Besides, In the Firebase console, on the menu on the lefthand side, click “Realtime Database”. Then click “create database”. Click next and then “start in test mode”, so we can read and write to the database. Now that we have the secrets taken care of, let’s configure Firebase within the app.
Just so,
Firebase apps remain responsive even when offline because the Firebase Realtime Database SDK persists your data to disk. Once connectivity is reestablished, the client device receives any changes it missed, synchronizing it with the current server state.
Realtime Database provides support for basic querying of your data. When a reference node contains children, you can both order & limit the returned results. If your application requires more advanced query capabilities, it is recommended you use Cloud Firestore. By default, results are ordered based on the node keys.