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posts in python pip Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

How to install yapo via python pip

Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

Flexible and easy-to-use Python library for analysis & manipulation with financial & economic data

How to install YannCookieCutter via python pip

Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

Template tool for putting up the scaffold of a Python project

How to install yandex-delivery via python pip

Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

Yandex Delivery python client (python-клиент «Яндекс.Доставик»

How to install YAMLit via python pip

Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

The tool for advanced project configuration with python object injection.

How to install yamliny via python pip

Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

Parser for a tiny subset of YAML; YAML lite

How to install yamlfig via python pip

Development Status :: 3 - Alpha

Verify the structure of YAML-formatted configuration files.