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XSL-FO leader object

May 28, 2021 XSL-FO

Table of contents

XSL-FO leader object

XSL-FO leader object XSL-FO reference manual

Definitions and usages

The role of the object is as follows:

  • Generate the "." symbol to separate the title of the page number in the content table
  • Create an input field in the form
  • Create a horizontal rule

If the leading character is too long to fit the entire area, it will start a different line.

The sub-classes of the object are not ignored only if the leader-pattern property is set to "use-content", and if the leader-pattern property is set to "use-content", the leading characters are filled in blank.

If the leading character needs to fill all the spaces in one row, the maximum length of the leading character is at least the same as the width of the column.




Attribute [A-K] Attribute [L-Z]
azimuth leader-alignment
alignment-adjust leader-length
alignment-baseline leader-pattern
background-attachment leader-pattern-width
background-color left
background-image letter-spacing
background-repeat line-height
background-position-horizontal margin-bottom
background-position-vertical margin-left
baseline-shift margin-right
border-after-color margin-top
border-after-style padding-after
border-after-width padding-before
border-before-color padding-bottom
border-before-style padding-end
border-before-width padding-left
border-bottom-color padding-right
border-bottom-style padding-start
border-bottom-width padding-top
border-end-color pause-after
border-end-style pause-before
border-end-width pitch
border-left-color pitch-range
border-left-style play-during
border-left-width relative-position
border-right-color richness
border-right-style right
border-right-width role
border-start-color rule-style
border-start-style rule-thickness
border-start-width source-document
border-top-color space-end
border-top-style space-start
border-top-width speak
bottom speak-header
color speak-numeral
cue-after speak-punctuation
cue-before speech-rate
dominant-baseline stress
elevation text-altitude
font-family text-depth
font-selection-strategy text-shadow
font-size top
font-size-adjust visibility
font-stretch voice-family
font-style volume
font-variant word-spacing

XSL-FO leader object XSL-FO reference manual