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The ionic background layer

May 21, 2021 ionic

The ionic background layer

We often need to display or hide background layers on the UI, such as pop-ups, load boxes, or other pop-up layers.

In the component, you can use $ionicBackdrop.retain() to display the background layer, and $ionicBackdrop.release() to hide the background layer.

After each call to retain, the background is displayed until the release is called to eliminate the background layer.

HTML code

<body ng-app="starter" ng-controller="actionsheetCtl" >
	    <ion-content >
	        <h2 ng-click="action()">$ionicBackdrop</h2>

JavaScript code

angular.module('starter', ['ionic'])

.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
  $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
    // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
    // for form inputs)
    if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {
    if(window.StatusBar) {

.controller( 'actionsheetCtl',['$scope','$timeout' ,'$ionicBackdrop',function($scope,$timeout,$ionicBackdrop){

    $scope.action = function() {
       $timeout(function() {    //默认让它1秒后消失
       }, 1000);

Try it out . . .

The display looks like this:

The ionic background layer