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The Fig command reference in Docker

May 22, 2021 Docker From entry to practice

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Fig client reference

Most commands can run on one or more services. Without special instructions, this command can be applied to all services.

Perform fig [COMMAND] --help all the instructions for use.



Show more information.


Print the version and exit.

-f, --file FILE

With a specific Fig file, fig.yml is used by default.

-p, --project-name NAME

Use a specific project name, and the folder name is used by default.



Build or rebuild services.

Once a service is built, it will be marked as project_service, such figtest_db. If you modify the Dockerfile service or build directory information, you can fig build to rebuild it.


Get help with a command.


Force the service container to stop.


View the output of the service.


The public port to which the print port is bound.


All containers are listed.


Pull the service image.


Delete the stopped service container.


Execute a command on a service.

For example:

$ fig run web python shell

By default, linked services start unless they are already running.

The one-time command starts running in a new container with the same configuration as the normal container for the service, and then volumes, links, and so on are created as expected. The only difference with normal containers is that this command overrides the original command and is not created if there is a port conflict.

Links can also be created between one-time commands and other containers for that service, and then you can do something like this:

$ fig run db psql -h db -U docker

If you don't want to start a linked container when you execute a one-time command, you can specify the --no-deps option:

$ fig run --no-deps web python shell


Set the number of containers that a service needs to run.

The quantity is set by the parameters of the service-num. For example:

$ fig scale web=2 worker=3


Start a container that the service already exists in.


Stop a container that is already running, but do not delete it. These fig start again with fig start.


Build, (re)create, start, link a container for a service.

Linked services will start unless they are already running.

By default, fig up the output of each container, and if the container already exists, all containers will stop. If you run fig up -d containers will be up and running in the background.

By default, if the container for this service already exists, fig up will stop and re-create them (keep the volume mounted with volumes-from) to ensure that the changes to fig.yml take effect. I f you don't want the container to be stopped and fig up --no-recreate If necessary, this will start the container that has stopped.

Environment variables

Environment variables can be used to configure fig behavior.

Variables DOCKER_, as are used to configure Docker's command-line clients. If you're using $(boot2docker shellinit) set them to the correct values.


Set the name of the item added before each container launched through Fig. The default is the name of the current working directory.


Set the path fig.yml want to use. The default path is the current working directory.


Set the URL of the docker process. The default docker client unix:///var/run/docker.sock


If you set characters that are not empty, TLS communication with the process is allowed.


Configure ca.pem cert.pem key.pem files for TLS validation. The default path ~/.docker