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May 15, 2021 Revel

How to put an existing http. Handlers integrated into Revel?

In the concept map, http. H andler is used to process user requests. Revel's processing is very simple, it simply creates a controller instance and passes the request to the filter chain.

Applications can consolidate existing https by overrideing the default handler. Handlers:

func installHandlers() {
    var (
        serveMux     = http.NewServeMux()
        revelHandler = revel.Server.Handler
    serveMux.Handle("/",     revelHandler)
    serveMux.Handle("/path", myHandler)
    revel.Server.Handler = serveMux

func init() {

What is the relationship between interceptors, filters, and modules?

  1. A module is a package that can be inserted into a program. They can share controllers, views, resources, and other code across multiple Level programs (or third-party sources).

  2. A filter is a function that can be hooked up to a request to process a pipeline. They are generally used as a whole processing technique in applications to vertically separate application logic.

  3. Interceptors are a convenient way to encapsulate data and behavior because embedded types import their interceptors and fields. T his allows the interceptor to handle things such as verifying login cookies and saving this information to a field. Interceptors can be applied to one or more controllers.