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Node .js utility

May 10, 2021 Node.js

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稳定性: 4 - 锁定

This section describes the .js 'util' module of the Node module, accessing the module through require('util') as follows:

const util = require('util');

util module was originally designed to support the .js the Node module. M any of the functions here are very useful for your program. I f you feel that these functions do not meet your requirements, you can write your own tool functions. We 'util' module to add extensions that are useless for node internal functions.


  • section is debugged in the program node section
  • Returns: The log function of the .Function

The function used to create a conditional write to stderr (based on NODE_DEBUG variable). I f section in an environment variable, the return function will be console.error() Otherwise, an empty function is returned.

For example:

var debuglog = util.debuglog('foo');

var bar = 123;
debuglog('hello from foo [%d]', bar);

If the program runs NODE_DEBUG=foo it will output:

FOO 3245: hello from foo [123]

3245 the process ID. If you do not run in this environment variable, nothing will be printed.

You can use commas to NODE_DEBUG variables. For NODE_DEBUG=fs,net,tls

util.format(format[, ...])

Use the first argument to return a formatted string, similar to printf

The first argument is a string that contains 0 or more placeholders. E ach placeholder is replaced with the value that you want the argument to convert. Supported placeholders include:

  • %s - String.
  • %d - Numbers (integers and floats).
  • %j - JSON。 If the argument contains a circular reference, R is replaced with a string
  • %% - A single percent sign '%' Does not consume a parameter.

If the placeholder does not contain a corresponding parameter, the placeholder is not replaced.

util.format('%s:%s', 'foo'); // 'foo:%s'

If the argument exceeds the placeholder, the extra argument is converted to a string by util.inspect() and stitched together, separated by spaces.

util.format('%s:%s', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'); // 'foo:bar baz'

If the first argument is not a formatted util.format() a string (space split) stitched together by all parameters. Each parameter is converted util.inspect()

util.format(1, 2, 3); // '1 2 3'


Output stdout with time stamp:

require('util').log('Timestamped message.');

util.inspect(object[, options])

Returns a string representation of an object, which is useful when code debugging.

Change the formatting output of an object by adding some optional options:

  • showHidden - If true, the true non-enumerateable properties are displayed. The default is false

  • depth - Tells inspect times to format the object. T his is useful when formatting large and complex objects. T he default 2 If you want infinite recursion, null

  • colors - If true the output is formatted as colored code. The default is false the color can be customized, see below.

  • customInspect - If false the aspect (depth, opts) method defined on the object being examined will not be called. True by default.

An example util all properties on a util object:

var util = require('util');

console.log(util.inspect(util, { showHidden: true, depth: null }));

When called, parameter values can provide their own custom insight (depth, opts) methods. The method receives the current recursive check depth, as well as other parameters passed in to util.inspect().

Customize util.inspect color

util.inspect util.inspect.styles util.inspect.colors objects.

util.inspect.styles util.inspect.colors a pair of mappings of style colors.

Highlight styles and their defaults:

  • 数字 (yellow)
  • boolean (yellow)
  • 字符串 (green)
  • date (magentia)
  • regexp (red)
  • null (bold)
  • undefined (italic)
  • special (turquoise)
  • name (internal, not style)

黄色 Predefined colors white 斜体 black 红色 blue cyan 绿色 magenta, 洋红 red, and 粗体 斜体 下划线 and 反选 styles.

The object inspect() function

The object can also inspect(depth) and when you examine the object using util.inspect(), the object-customized check method is performed:

var util = require('util');

var obj = { name: 'nate' };
obj.inspect = function(depth) {
  return '{' + + '}';

  // "{nate}"

You can return another object, and the returned string is formatted according to the returned object. T his is JSON.stringify() workflow. Y ou can also return another object completely, and the returned string is formatted according to the returned object. This is JSON.stringify() works:

var obj = { foo: 'this will not show up in the inspect() output' };
obj.inspect = function(depth) {
  return { bar: 'baz' };

  // "{ bar: 'baz' }"


Array.isArray's internal alias.

If the parameter "object" is an array, return true otherwise return false

var util = require('util');

  // true
util.isArray(new Array)
  // true
  // false


If the parameter "object" is RegExp true otherwise false is false

var util = require('util');

util.isRegExp(/some regexp/)
  // true
util.isRegExp(new RegExp('another regexp'))
  // true
  // false


If the argument "object" is Date otherwise false is false true

var util = require('util');

util.isDate(new Date())
  // true
  // false (without 'new' returns a String)
  // false


If the argument "object" is Error otherwise false is false true

var util = require('util');

util.isError(new Error())
  // true
util.isError(new TypeError())
  // true
util.isError({ name: 'Error', message: 'an error occurred' })
  // false

util.inherits(constructor, superConstructor)

Inherit the prototype method from one constructor constructor to another. The prototype of the constructor is set to a new object superConstructor class.

constructor.super_ the superConstructor

var util = require("util");
var events = require("events");

function MyStream() {;

util.inherits(MyStream, events.EventEmitter);

MyStream.prototype.write = function(data) {
    this.emit("data", data);

var stream = new MyStream();

console.log(stream instanceof events.EventEmitter); // true
console.log(MyStream.super_ === events.EventEmitter); // true

stream.on("data", function(data) {
    console.log('Received data: "' + data + '"');
stream.write("It works!"); // Received data: "It works!"

util.deprecate(function, string)

Indicate that the method is no 1 2st.

exports.puts = exports.deprecate(function() {
  for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) {
    process.stdout.write(arguments[i] + '\n');
}, 'util.puts: Use console.log instead')

Returns a modified function that is warned only once by default. I f you set --no-deprecation the function does nothing. If you set --throw-deprecation if you use the API app, you throw an exception.


稳定性: 0 - 抛弃: 使用 console.error() 替换。



稳定性: 0 - 抛弃: 使用 console.error() 替换。



稳定性: 0 - 抛弃:使用 console.log() 替换。

console.log predecessor.


稳定性: 0 - 抛弃: 使用 console.log() 替换。

console.log predecessor.

util.pump(readableStream, writableStream[, callback])

稳定性: 0 - 抛弃: Use readableStream.pipe(writableStream)
