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MariaDB regular expression

May 16, 2021 MariaDB

In addition to pattern matching provided by theLIKE clause, MariaDB provides regular expression-based matching through the REGEXP operator. T he operator performs a pattern match on a string expression based on a given pattern.

MariaDB 10.0.5 introduces PCRE Regular Expressions, which greatly increases the range of matches, such as recursive patterns, forward-looking assertions, and so on.

See the use of the standard REGEXP operator syntax given below -

SELECT column FROM table_name WHERE column REGEXP '[PATTERN]';

REGEXP returns 1 for pattern matching, or 0 for no pattern match.

The opposite option exists in the form of NOT REGEXP. M ariaDB also provides reGEXP and NOT REGEXP, RLIKE and NOT RLIKE synonyms, which were created for compatibility reasons.

The pattern of the comparison can be a text string or something else, such as a table column. I n a string, it uses the C escape syntax, so double any """"" R EGEXP is also case insensi now, except for binary strings.

Below is a table of possible patterns that can be used -

S.No Patterns and instructions


It matches the beginning of the string.



It matches the end of the string.



It matches a single character.



It matches any character in parentheses.


[^ ...]

It matches any characters that are not listed in parentheses.


P1 | P 2 | P3

It matches any pattern.



It matches 0 or more instances of the preceding element.



It matches one or more instances of the previous element.



It matches n instances of the previous element.



It matches n instances from m to the previous element.

Check out the pattern matching example given below -

Products that start with "pr" -

SELECT name FROM product_tbl WHERE name REGEXP '^pr';

Products ending with "na" -

SELECT name FROM product_tbl WHERE name REGEXP 'na$';

The product that begins with a phonetic tone -

SELECT name FROM product_tbl WHERE name REGEXP '^[aeiou]';