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JavaScript String object

May 06, 2021 JavaScript with HTML DOM Reference book

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String object

String objects are used to process text (strings).

String object creation method: new String().


var txt = new String(" string ");

Or simpler way:

var txt = " string ";

For the String Objects tutorial, check out the JavaScript String Objects tutorial.

String object properties

Attributes describe
constructor Quote for functions that create this object
length String length
prototype Allows you to add properties and methods to objects

String object method

method describe
charAt() Returns the characters in the specified location.
charCodeAt() Returns a Unicode encoding of characters in the specified location.
concat() Connect two or more strings and return to a new string.
fromCharCode() Transfer Unicode encoding to characters.
indexOf() Returns a specified string value in the first place in the string.
lastIndexOf() Search the string from the back.
match() Find a match of one or more regular expressions.
replace() Find the matching substrings in the string and replace the substrings that match the regular expression.
search() Find the value that matches the regular expression.
slice() Extract the fragment of the string and return to the extracted portion in the new string.
split() Split the string into a string array.
substr() Extract the specified number of characters in the string from the starting index number.
substring() Extract characters between two specified index numbers in the string.
toLowerCase() Convert strings to lowercase.
toUpperCase() Convert the string to uppercase.
trim() Remove the blank on both sides of the string
valueOf() Returns the original value of a string object.

String HTML wrapping method

The HTML wrapper method returns a string with the appropriate HTML tag added.

method describe
anchor() Create an HTML anchor.
big() Use a large font to display a string.
blink() Show a flashing string.
bold() Use a bold display string.
fixed() Display strings with typewriter text.
fontcolor() Use the specified colors to display the string.
fontsize() Use the specified size to display the string.
italics() Use a slope to display a string.
link() Display strings as a link.
small() Use a small number to display a string.
strike() A string for displaying the deletion of deletion.
sub() The string is displayed as the subscript.
sup() The string is displayed as a lacquered mark.