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impala environment

May 26, 2021 impala

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This chapter describes the prerequisites for installing Impala and how to download, install, and set up Impala in the system.

Similar to Hadoop and its ecosystem software, we need to install Impala on the Linux operating system. Because cloudera provides Impala, it can be used for Cloudera Quick Start VMs.

This chapter describes how to download cloudera Quick Start VM and start Impala.

Download Cloudera Quick Start VM

Follow these steps to download the latest version of Cloudera QuickStartVM.

Step 1

Open the home page of the cloudera website Y ou'll get a page like the one below.

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Step 2

Click the sign-in link on the cloudera home page, which redirects you to the sign-in page shown below.

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If you are not already registered, click on the "Register now" link, which will provide you with the account registry. S ign up here and sign in to your cloudera account.

Step 3

Once you're signed in, open the download page for the cloudera website by clicking the Download link highlighted in the snapshot below.

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Step 4 - Download QuickStartVM

Download the cloudera QuickStartVM by clicking the Download Now button, as highlighted in the following snapshot

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This redirects to the quickStart VM's download page.

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Click the Get ONE NOW button, accept the license agreement, and then click the Submit button, as shown below.

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Cloudera offers VMware, KVM and VIRTUALBOX that are VM-compatible. S elect the version you want. I n our tutorial, we demonstrated the Cloudera QuickStartVM settings using virtual boxes, so click the VIRTUALBOX download button, as shown in the snapshot below.

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This will start downloading a file named cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.5.0-0-virtualbox.ovf, which is a virtual box image file.

Import Cloudera QuickStartVM

After downloading the cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.5.0-0-virtualbox.ovf file, we need to import it using a virtual box. T o do this, first, you need to install a virtual box in the system. F ollow these steps to import the downloaded image file.

Step 1

Download the virtual box from the link below and install it

Step 2

Open the virtual box software. C lick the file, and then select import the device, as shown below.

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Step 3

When you click Import Device, you get the Import Virtual Device window. S elect the location of the downloaded image file, as shown below.

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After importing the Cloudera QuickStartVM image, start the virtual machine. T his virtual machine has Hadoop, Cloudera Impala and all the necessary software installed. A snapshot of the virtual machine is shown below.

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Start impala shell

To start Impala, open the terminal and execute the following command.

[cloudera@quickstart ~] $ impala-shell

This will start the Impala shell and display the following message.

Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication 
Connected to quickstart.cloudera:21000 
Server version: impalad version 2.3.0-cdh5.5.0 RELEASE (build
 Welcome to the Impala shell. Copyright (c) 2015 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 
(Impala Shell v2.3.0-cdh5.5.0 (0c891d7) built on Mon Nov 9 12:18:12 PST 2015)
Press TAB twice to see a list of available commands. 
[quickstart.cloudera:21000] >

Note - We'll discuss all impala-shell commands in a later section.

Impala query editor

In addition to impala shells, you can also use the Hue browser to communicate with Impala. A fter installing CDH5 and starting Impala, if you open the browser, you will get the cloudera home page, as shown below.

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Now click Bookmark Hue to open The Hue browser. W hen you click, you can see the login page of The Hue browser, which logs using the credentials cloudera and cloudera.

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Once you're signed in to Hue Browser, you can see that Hue Browser's quick start wizard looks like this.

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When you click the Query Editor drop-down menu, you'll get a list of Editors supported by Impala, as shown in the following screenshot.

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When you click Impala in the drop-down menu, you get the Impala query editor, as shown below.

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