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HTML <var> tags

May 05, 2021 HTML Reference Manual

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HTML sl;var> tags

The label represents a variable in a mathematical expression or programming context, and the content defined by the label is rendered italic, see the following example:

Format the text in the document:


Try it out . . .

Browser support

HTML <var> tags HTML <var> tags HTML <var> tags HTML <var> tags HTML <var> tags

All major browsers support the hashtag

Label definition and instructions for use

A label is a phrase label that defines variables.

Tip: We're not against using this label, but if you're using it just to achieve some visual effect, we recommend using CSS, which might lead to richer results.

All phrase tags:

Label describe
<em> Rendezed as an emphasized text.
<strong> Define important text.
<dfn> Define a definition item.
<code> Define computer code text.
<samp> Define sample text.
<kbd> Define the keyboard text.It indicates that the text is typed from the keyboard.It is often used in documents or manuals related to your computer.
<var> 定义变量。您可以将此标签与 <pre> 及 <code> Tags are used in conjunction.

The difference between HTML 4.01 and HTML5


Global properties

The label supports the global properties of HTML.

The event property

The tag supports the event properties of HTML.

Related articles

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