;meta> name property

HTML meta name property HTML .lt;; tags

The name property defines the description, keywords, and author of the HTML document, corresponding to the content property, refer to the following example:

Use the name property to define the description, keywords, and author of an HTML document:

<meta name="description" content="免费web教程">
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,JavaScript">
<meta name="author" content="W3Cschool">

Try it out . . .

Browser support

HTML meta name property HTML meta name property HTML meta name property HTML meta name property HTML meta name property

The name property is supported by all major browsers.

The name property specifies the name of the metadata. specifies the name for the metadata.

The name property specifies the name of the information/value of the content property.

Note: If you set the http-equiv property, you should not set the name property.

The difference between HTML 4.01 and HTML5



<meta name="value">

The property value

value describe
application-name Specifies the name of the web application represented by the page.
author Specify the name of the author of the document.

实例:<meta name="author" content="Hege Refsnes">
description The description of the page is specified.The search engine will display this description in the search results.

实例:<meta name="description" content="Free web tutorials">
generator Provisions for generating a package (not for handwriting page).

实例:<meta name="generator" content="FrontPage 4.0">
keywords Specifies a comma-separated keyword list - related web pages (telling the search engine page to be related).

hint: Always specify keywords (necessary for page classification for search engines).

实例:<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, meta tag, tag reference">

HTML meta name property HTML .lt;; tags