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HTML DOM Form object

May 06, 2021 JavaScript with HTML DOM Reference book

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HTML DOM Form object

The Form object

The Form object represents an HTML form.

The Form object is created every time it appears in an HTML document.

Form users are typically used to collect user data and contain input elements such as: text fields, check boxes, check boxes, single boxes, submit buttons to wait. Forms can also say options menus, textarea, fieldset, legend, and label elements.

Forms are used to send data to the service side.

Form object collection

W3C: W3C standard.

gather describe W3C
elements[] Contains an array of all elements in the form. Yes

The Form object property

Attributes describe W3C
acceptCharset The server acceptable character set. Yes
action Set or return the action attribute of the form. Yes
enctype Set or return to the MIME type for encoding the content. Yes
length Returns the number of elements in the form. Yes
method Set or returns the HTTP method to send data to the server. Yes
name Set or return the name of the form. Yes
target Set or return the Frame or Window name of the form submission result. Yes

The Form object method

method describe W3C
reset() Reset a form Yes
submit() Submit a form Yes

The Form object event

event describe W3C
onreset Call before resetting the form element. Yes
onsubmit Call before submitting the form. Yes

Standard properties and events

The Form object also supports the standard properties and events.