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HTML DOM Canvas object

May 06, 2021 JavaScript with HTML DOM Reference book

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HTML DOM Canvas object

Canvas object

The Canvas object is new in HTML5.

HTML5 is used to draw images (scripted, usually JavaScript).

Access the Canvas object

You can use getElementById() to access the elements:

var x = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); try it

Create a Canvas object

You can use the document.createElement() method to create the element of the .lt;canvas:

var x = document.createElement("CANVAS"); try it

Note: The element itself does not have drawing capability (it is only a container for graphics) - you must use a script to complete the actual drawing task.

The getContext() method returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing on the canvas.

This manual provides the properties and methods of a complete getContext ("2d") object that you can use to draw text, lines, rectangles, circles, and more on the canvas.

Colors, styles, and shadows

Attributes describe
fillStyle Set or returns color, gradient, or mode for filling the painting.
strokeStyle Set or returns color, gradient, or mode for use in the brushwork.
shadowColor Set or returns the color for shadow.
shadowBlur Set or return a fuzzy level for shadow.
shadowOffsetX Set or return to the horizontal distance of shadows and shapes.
shadowOffsetY Set or return the vertical distance of the shadow and shape.

method describe
createLinearGradient() Create a linear gradient (used on the canvas content).
createPattern() Repeat the specified elements in the specified direction.
createRadialGradient() Create an emission / annular gradient (used on the canvas content).
addColorStop() Specifies the color and stop position in the gradient object.

Line style

Attributes describe
lineCap Set or return the end of the end of the line.
lineJoin When setting or return two lines intersect, the corner type created.
lineWidth Set or returns the current line width.
miterLimit Set or return the maximum slope length.


method describe
rect() Create a rectangle.
fillRect() Draw a rectangle of "filled".
strokeRect() Draw a rectangle (no fill).
clearRect() The specified pixels are cleared in a given rectangle.


method describe
fill() Fill the precondition drawing (path).
stroke() Draw a defined path.
beginPath() Start a path, or reset the current path.
moveTo() Move the path to the specified point in the canvas, do not create a line.
closePath() Create the path from the current point back to the starting point.
lineTo() Add a new point and create a line from this point to the final specified point in the canvas.
clip() Cut any shape and size of the original canvas.
quadraticCurveTo() Create a secondary Bezier curve.
bezierCurveTo() Create three Bessel curves.
arc() Create an arc / curve (used to create a circular or partial circle).
arcTo() Create an arc / curve between two tangers.
isPointInPath() Returns true if the specified point is in the current path, otherwise returns false.


method describe
scale() Scales the current drawing to larger or smaller.
rotate() Rotate the current drawing.
translate() Remap the (0,0) position on the canvas.
transform() Replace the current conversion matrix of the drawing.
setTransform() Reset the current conversion into unit matrix.Then run Transform ().


Attributes describe
font Set or return the current font properties of the text content.
textAlign Set or return the current alignment of text content.
textBaseline Set or returns the current text baseline used when drawing text.

method describe
fillText() Draw the "filled" text on the canvas.
strokeText() Draw a text (no fill) on the canvas.
measureText() Returns an object that contains the specified text width.

The image is drawn

method describe
drawImage() Draw images, canvas, or videos to the canvas.

Pixel operation

Attributes describe
width Returns the width of the ImageData object.
height Returns the height of the ImageData object.
data Returns an object that contains the image data of the specified imageData object.

method describe
createImageData() Create a new, blank imageData object.
getImageData() Returns an ImageData object that copies the rectangular copy pixel data specified on the canvas.
putImageData() Put the image data (from the specified imageData object) back to the canvas.


Attributes describe
globalAlpha Set or returns the current alpha or transparent value of the drawing.
globalCompositeOperation Set or return a new image how to draw on the existing image.


method describe
save() Save the status of the current environment.
restore() Returns the previously saved path status and attributes.

Standard properties and events

Canvas objects also support standard properties and events.

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