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git - a concise guide

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

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A concise guide to getting started with git, wood with deep content ;)

 git - a concise guide1


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Create a new warehouse

Create a new folder, open it, and execute it

git init

to create a new git repository.

Check out the warehouse

Perform the following command to create a clone version of the local repository:

git clone /path/to/repository

If it's a repository on a remote server, your command will look like this:

git clone username@host:/path/to/repository


Your local warehouse consists of three "trees" maintained by git. The first is your 工作目录 which holds the actual files, the second is 暂存区(Index) which is like a cache area, temporarily saving your changes, and finally HEAD which points to the results of your last commit.

 git - a concise guide2

Add and submit

You can make changes (add them to the staging area) using the following command:

git add <filename>
git add *

This is the first step in git's basic workflow;

git commit -m "代码提交信息"

Now, your changes have been committed to HEAD, but not to your remote repository.

Push changes

Your changes are now in HEAD in the local repository. Perform the following command to commit these changes to the remote repository:

git push origin master

You can swap master for any branch you want to push.

If you haven't cloned an existing warehouse yet and want to connect your warehouse to a remote server, you can add it with the following command:

git remote add origin <server>

This allows you to push your changes to the server you added.


Branches are used to insulate feature development. W hen you create a warehouse, master is the "default" branch. Develop on other branches and merge them into the main branch when you're done.

 git - a concise guide3

Create a branch called feature_x and switch past:

git checkout -b feature_x

Switch back to the main branch:

git checkout master

Then delete the new branch:

git branch -d feature_x

Unless you push a branch to a remote repository, the branch is not seen by others:

git push origin <branch>

Update and merge

To update your local repository to the latest changes, perform:

git pull

to get (fetch) in your working directory and merge (merge) changes at the far end. To merge other branches into your current branch, such as master, perform:

git merge <branch>

In both cases, git tries to automatically merge changes. U nfortunately, this may not always succeed and conflicts may occur. T his is when you need to modify these files to manually merge these conflicts. Once you've changed, you'll need to execute the following commands to mark them as merged successfully:

git add <filename>

Before merging changes, you can preview the differences using the following command:

git diff <source_branch> <target_branch>


Creating labels for software releases is recommended. T his concept already exists and is also present in SVN. You can create a label called 1.0.0 with the following command:

git tag 1.0.0 1b2e1d63ff

1b2e1d63ff is the first 10 characters of the commit ID that you want to mark. You can get the commit ID using the following command:

git log

You can also use a smaller commit ID for the first few, as long as it points uniquely.


If you want to know the history of your local repository, the simplest command is to use:

git log

You can add some parameters to modify his output to get the result you want. Look only at a person's submission record:

git log --author=bob

Each compressed commit record accounts for only one line of output:

git log --pretty=oneline

Or you want to show all the branches through the tree structure of ASCII art, each with his name and label:

git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

See which files have changed:

git log --name-status

These are only a small fraction of the parameters you can use. For more information, see:

git log --help

Replace local changes

If you make an operational error (which, of course, is best never to happen), you can replace the local changes with the following command:

git checkout -- <filename>

This command replaces the files in your working directory with the latest content in HEAD. Changes that have been added to the staging area, as well as new files, are not affected.

If you want to discard all your local changes and commits, you can go to the server to get the latest version history and point your local primary branch to it:

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master

Practical tips

Built-in graphic git:


Colored git output:

git config color.ui true

When the history is displayed, only one line is displayed for each submitted information:

git config format.pretty oneline

Interactively add files to the staging area:

git add -i

Links and resources

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