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Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

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Nginx is a lightweight web server, a reverse proxy server, which is widely used in Internet projects due to its low memory footprint, extremely fast start-up, high concurrian capabilities, and high concurring capabilities.

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx1

The figure above basically illustrates the current popular technology architecture, where Nginx has a bit of an entrance gateway flavor.

Reverse proxy server?

Often hear people say some terms, such as reverse proxy, then what is a reverse proxy, what is a forward proxy?

Forward agent:

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx2

Reverse agent:

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx3

Because of the firewall, we can't access Google directly, so we can do it with a VPN, which is a simple example of a forward proxy. Here you can see that the forward agent "agent" is the client, and the client knows the target, and the target is not aware that the client is accessed through a VPN.

When we access Baidu in the external network, in fact, will carry out a forwarding, agent to the intranet to go, this is called reverse agent, that is, reverse agent "agent" is the server side, and this process for the client is transparent.

Nginx's Master-Worker mode

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx4

After Nginx is started, the Socket service is actually started on port 80 for listening, as shown in the figure, Nginx involves Master and Worker processes.

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx5

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx6

What does the Master process do?

Read and validate the profile nginx.conf;

What is the role of the Worker process?

Each Worker process maintains a thread (avoids thread switching), processes connections and requests, notes that the number of Worker processes is determined by the configuration file, generally related to the number of CPUs (facilitates process switching), and configures several Worker processes.

Thinking: How does Nginx do hot deployments?

The so-called hot deployment, that is, the configuration file nginx.conf modified, do not need stop Nginx do not need to interrupt the request, can let the profile take effect! (nginx -s reload reload/nginx -t check configuration/nginx -s stop)

As we already know above, worker process is responsible for handling specific requests, so if you want to achieve the effect of a hot deployment, you can imagine:

Scenario 1:

After modifying the profile nginx.conf the master master the main process is responsible for pushing the woker process to update the configuration information, and when woker process receives the information, update the thread information within the process. (A little valatile taste)

Scenario II:

After modifying the configuration file nginx.conf the new worker process is regenerated, of course, the request is processed with the new configuration, and the new request must be handed over to the new worker process, as for the old worker process, and so on, after processing those previous kill off.

Nginx uses Scenario 2 to achieve a hot deployment!

Thinking: How does Nginx handle high-concurring and efficient processing?

As mentioned above, Nginx number of worker is bound to CPU and the worker process contains a thread within the efficient loopback processing request, which does contribute to efficiency, but it is not enough.

As professional programmers, we can open brain holes: BIO/NIO/AIO asynchronous/synchronous, blocking/non-blocking...

To process so many requests at the same time, be aware that some requests require IO which can take a long time, and if you wait for it, you slow down the worker processing.

Nginx uses Linux epoll epoll which is based on an event-driven mechanism that monitors whether multiple events are ready and, if OK, puts them in epoll queue, asynchronous. worker only need to loop through epoll queue.

Thinking: What if Nginx hangs up?

Nginx is important as an entry gateway, it is clearly unacceptable if there is a single point of problem.

The answer is: Keepalived+Nginx is highly available.

Keepalived is a highly available solution that is primarily designed to prevent a single point of server failure and can be used in conjunction with Nginx to achieve high availability of Web services. (In fact, Keepalived can work not only with Nginx but also with many other services)

Keepalived-Nginx implements highly available ideas:

First: Request not to hit Nginx directly, should first go through Keepalived (this is called virtual IP, VIP)

Second: Keepalived should be able to monitor the life state of Nginx (provides a user-defined script that periodically checks the Nginx process state for weight changes to enable Nginx failover)

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx7

Our main battleground: nginx.conf

A lot of times, in a development and test environment, we have to configure Nginx ourselves, which is to configure nginx.conf

nginx.conf is a typical segmented profile, let's analyze it below.

The virtual host

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx8

 Front-end leader advanced guide - nginx9

In fact, this is to use Nginx as a web server to handle static resources.

First: location can make regular matches, and you should pay attention to several forms of regularity and priority. (Not expanded here)

Second: One of the features of Nginx ability to increase speed is the dynamic separation, which places static resources on Nginx is managed by Nginx and dynamically forwards requests to the back end.

Third: We can attribute static resources and log files under Nginx to different domain names (that is, directories) for easy management and maintenance.

Fourth: Nginx can have IP access control, some e-commerce platforms can be in Nginx layer, do a processing, built-in blacklist module, then do not have to wait for the request through Nginx to reach the back end in intercept, but directly at Nginx layer to deal with.

Reverse Agent (proxy_pass)

The so-called reverse proxy, very simple, is actually in the location configuration of root replaced with proxy_pass root description is a static resource that can be returned by Nginx while proxy_pass description is a dynamic request that needs to be forwarded, such as on a proxy to Tomcat

The reverse proxy, as mentioned above, is transparent, such as request -> Nginx -> Tomcat so it is important to note that for Tomcat the requested IP address is the address of Nginx not the real request address. Fortunately, Nginx not only reverses proxy requests, but also allows users to customize HTTP HEADER

Load Balancing (upstream)

In the reverse proxy above, we specify Tomcat address by proxy_pass and obviously we can only specify one Tomcat address, so what if we want to specify multiple to achieve load balancing?

First, upstream defines a set of Tomcat and specifies load policies (IPHASH, weighted arguments, minimum connections), health check policies (Nginx can monitor the status of this set of Tomcats), and so on.

Second, replace proxy_pass with the value specified by upstream

What can be the problem with load balancing?

The obvious problem with load balancing is that a request that can go to A server or to B server is completely out of our control, and of course it's not a problem, but we have to be aware that the user's state is saved, such as Session session information, that can't be saved to the server.


Caching, provided by Nginx provides a mechanism to speed up access, to put it bluntly, is configured to be an on, while specifying a directory so that the cache can be stored on disk. For specific configurations, you can refer to the official Nginx documentation, which is not available here.

Source: Public Number - Frontman

Here's a look at W3Cschool编程狮 introduction to front-end lead-up guide-nginx, and I hope it will help you.