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Ember unit testing

May 09, 2021 Ember.js Reference documents

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The basis for unit testing

Unit tests are typically used to test small blocks of code and make sure what it is doing. U nlike acceptance tests, unit tests are limited to a small scale and do not require the Emeber program to run.

As with Ember's basic objects, you only need to inherit Ember.Object T hen write specific tests within the code block, such as controllers and components. E ach test is an Ember.Object and you can set the state of the object and run assertions. With the following example, let's take a look at how the test is used.

Test the calculated property

Create a simple instance that contains a calculated computedFoo relies on the normal property foot

  1. //app/models/somt-thing.js
  2. export default Ember.Object.extend({
  3. foo: 'bar',
  4. computedFoo: Ember.compuuted('foo'function() {
  5. const foo = this.get('foo');
  6. return `computed ${foo}`;
  7. })
  8. });

In the test, we build an instance, then update the foo (which computedFoo and then give an assertion that is in line with 断言 :

  1. //tests/unit/models/some-thing-test.js
  2. import {moduleFor test} from 'ember-qunit';
  3. moduleFor('model:some-thing' 'Unit | some thing' {
  4. unit: true
  5. });
  6. test('should correctly concat foo' function(assert) {
  7. const someThing = this.subject();
  8. somtThing.set('foo' 'baz'); //设置属性foo的值
  9. assert.equal(someThing.get('computedFoo'), 'computed baz'); //断言,判断计算属性值是否相等于computed baz
  10. });

The moduleFor is moduleFor example, which is a unit test assistant Ember-Qunit T hese test assistants provide us with many conveniences, such as subject which can find and instantiate the objects used for testing. Y ou can also subject initialized content in the subject method, which can be instance variables passed to the principal functionality. F or example, in unit tests to initialize the property "foo" you can do this: this.subject({foo: 'bar'}); , then the value of the unit test's foo is bar

Test the object method

Let's take a look at how to test the logic of the object method. In this case, there is a method inside the object that sets the value of the foo the property testMethod

  1. //app/models/some-thing.js
  2. export default Ember.Object.extend({
  3. foo: 'bar'
  4. testMethod() {
  5. this.set('foo', 'baz');
  6. }
  7. });

To test it, we first create the following instance, then call testMethod and then use assertions to determine whether the method's call results are correct.

  1. //tests/unit/models/some-thing-test.js
  2. test('should update foo on testMethod' function(assert) {
  3. const someThing = this.subject();
  4. someThing.testMethod();
  5. assert.equal(someThing.get('foo'), 'baz');
  6. });

If an object method returns a value, you can easily give an assertion to determine whether it is correct. S uppose our object has a calc the return value of the method is based on the state value inside the object. The code is as follows:

  1. //app/models/some-thing.js
  2. export default Ember.Object.extend({
  3. count: 0,
  4. calc() {
  5. this.incrementProperty('count');
  6. let count = this.get('count');
  7. return `count: ${count}`;
  8. }
  9. });

The calc method needs to calc in the test and the return value is asserted to be correct.

  1. //tests/unit/models/some-thing-test.js
  2. test('should return incremented count on calc' function(assert) {
  3. const someThing = this.subject();
  4. assert.equal(someThing.calc(), 'count: 1');
  5. assert.equal(someThing.calc(), 'count: 2');
  6. });

Test the observer

Suppose we have an object that has some properties and a method that monitors them.

  1. //app/models/some-thing.js
  2. export default Ember.Object.extend({
  3. foo: 'bar'
  4. other: 'no',,
  5. doSomething:'foo', function() {
  6. this.set('other', 'yes');
  7. })
  8. });

To test doSomething create a SomeThing foo property value, and then make an assertion that the expected results are achieved.

  1. //tests/unit/models/some-thing-test.js
  2. test('should set other prop to yes when foo changes' function(assert) {
  3. const someThing = this.subject();
  4. someThing.set('foo', 'baz');
  5. assert.equal(someThing.get('other'), 'yes');
  6. });