del cite property

del cite property del object

Returns the URL document address for which the interpreted text was deleted:

var x = document.getElementById("myDel").cite;

x The output is:

Try it out . . .

Define and use

The cite property is used to set or return the cite property value of the deleted text.

The cite property points to the URL of another document that explains why the text was deleted.

Note: The cite property does not have visual effects in a normal web browser, but can be used by screen readers.

Browser support

del cite property del cite property del cite property del cite property del cite property

Cite properties are supported by all major browsers.


Returns the cite property:

delObject .cite

Set the cite property:

delObject .cite= URL

The property value

Value describe
URL Define the URL document address that explains why the text is deleted.

Possible values:
  • Absolute URL - pointing to another website (such as cite = "")
  • Relative URL - pointing to a page within the website (such as cite = "example.html)

Description of the technology

Return value: String, which represents the URL address of the source document

More instances

Modify the cite property value:


Try it out . . .

Related pages

HTML Reference Manual: HTML slt;del> cite properties

del cite property del object