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CSS float property

May 05, 2021 CSS Reference Manual

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CSS float property

Let the image float to the right:


Try it out . . .

There are more examples at the bottom of this page.

Description of property definition and use

The float property specifies whether a box (element) should float.

Note: Absolutely positioned elements ignore the florat property!

Default: none
Inherited: no
Version: CSS1
JavaScript syntax: object .style.cssFloat="left"

Browser support

The numbers in the table support the first browser version number of the property.

float 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 7.0

The property value

Value Describe
left The element floats to the left.
right The element floats to the right.
none The default. Elements do not float and appear where they appear in the text.
inherit Specifies that the value of the float property should be inherited from the parent element.

CSS float property

More instances

The first letter of the paragraph floats to the left
Float the first letter of a paragraph to the left and style it.

Create a horizontal menu
Use floats to create a list of hyperlinks to horizontal menus.

Create a tableless home page
Use floating to create a home page with header, footer, left directory, and body content.

Related articles

CSS tutorial: CSS Float