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CoffeeScript converts strings into small case

May 09, 2021 CoffeeScript

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Convert strings to small case


You want to convert the string into a small case.


The toLowerCase() method of String using JavaScript:

"ONE TWO THREE".toLowerCase()
# => 'one two three'


ToLowerCase() is a standard JavaScript method. Don't forget to put parentheses.

Grammar blocks

You can add some Ruby-like syntax block with the following shortcut:

String::downcase = -> @toLowerCase()
"ONE TWO THREE".downcase()
# => 'one two three'

The above code demonstrates two features of CoffeeScript:

  • Double colon: is a shortcut .prototype
  • The "at" character is a shortcut to the this.

The above code is compiled into javaScript code as follows:

String.prototype.downcase = function() {
  return this.toLowerCase();
"ONE TWO THREE".downcase();

Tip Although the above usage is common in Ruby-like languages, extensions to local objects are often considered bad in JavaScript. ( See: Maintain JavaScript: Don't modify objects you don't own; not? vil or not?