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A piece of code written 27 years ago by the father of Linux

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

A programmer's netizen revealed Linus Torvalds's Linux source code, which was made public in 1991, which caught W3Cschool's attention and allowed you to study the god's code:



system_call.s contains the system-call low-level handling routines.
This also contains the timer-interrupt handler, as some of the code is
the same. The hd-interrupt is also here.

NOTE: This code handles signal-recognition, which happens every time
after a timer-interrupt and after each system call. Ordinary interrupts
don't handle signal-recognition, as that would clutter them up totally

Stack layout in 'ret_from_system_call':

0(%esp) - %eax
4(%esp) - %ebx
8(%esp) - %ecx
C(%esp) - %edx
10(%esp) - %fs
14(%esp) - %es
18(%esp) - %ds
1C(%esp) - %eip
20(%esp) - %cs
24(%esp) - %eflags
28(%esp) - %oldesp
2C(%esp) - %oldss

EAX = 0x00
EBX = 0x04
ECX = 0x08
EDX = 0x0C
FS = 0x10
ES = 0x14
DS = 0x18
EIP = 0x1C
CS = 0x20
EFLAGS = 0x24
OLDESP = 0x28
OLDSS = 0x2C

state = 0 # these are offsets into the task-struct.
counter = 4
priority = 8
signal = 12
restorer = 16 # address of info-restorer
sig_fn = 20 # table of 32 signal addresses

nr_system_calls = 67

.globl _system_call,_sys_fork,_timer_interrupt,_hd_interrupt,_sys_execve

.align 2
movl $-1,%eax
.align 2
pushl $ret_from_sys_call
jmp _schedule
.align 2
cmpl $nr_system_calls-1,%eax
ja bad_sys_call
push %ds
push %es
push %fs
pushl %edx
pushl %ecx # push %ebx,%ecx,%edx as parameters
pushl %ebx # to the system call
movl $0x10,%edx # set up ds,es to kernel space
mov %dx,%ds
mov %dx,%es
movl $0x17,%edx # fs points to local data space
mov %dx,%fs
call _sys_call_table(,%eax,4)
pushl %eax
movl _current,%eax
cmpl $0,state(%eax) # state
jne reschedule
cmpl $0,counter(%eax) # counter
je reschedule
movl _current,%eax # task[0] cannot have signals
cmpl _task,%eax
je 3f
movl CS(%esp),%ebx # was old code segment supervisor
testl $3,%ebx # mode? If so - don't check signals
je 3f
cmpw $0x17,OLDSS(%esp) # was stack segment = 0x17 ?
jne 3f
2: movl signal(%eax),%ebx # signals (bitmap, 32 signals)
bsfl %ebx,%ecx # %ecx is signal nr, return if none
je 3f
btrl %ecx,%ebx # clear it
movl %ebx,signal(%eax)
movl sig_fn(%eax,%ecx,4),%ebx # %ebx is signal handler address
cmpl $1,%ebx
jb default_signal # 0 is default signal handler - exit
je 2b # 1 is ignore - find next signal
movl $0,sig_fn(%eax,%ecx,4) # reset signal handler address
incl %ecx
xchgl %ebx,EIP(%esp) # put new return address on stack
subl $28,OLDESP(%esp)
movl OLDESP(%esp),%edx # push old return address on stack
pushl %eax # but first check that it's ok.
pushl %ecx
pushl $28
pushl %edx
call _verify_area
popl %edx
addl $4,%esp
popl %ecx
popl %eax
movl restorer(%eax),%eax
movl %eax,%fs:(%edx) # flag/reg restorer
movl %ecx,%fs:4(%edx) # signal nr
movl EAX(%esp),%eax
movl %eax,%fs:8(%edx) # old eax
movl ECX(%esp),%eax
movl %eax,%fs:12(%edx) # old ecx
movl EDX(%esp),%eax
movl %eax,%fs:16(%edx) # old edx
movl EFLAGS(%esp),%eax
movl %eax,%fs:20(%edx) # old eflags
movl %ebx,%fs:24(%edx) # old return addr
3: popl %eax
popl %ebx
popl %ecx
popl %edx
pop %fs
pop %es
pop %ds

incl %ecx
cmpl $SIG_CHLD,%ecx
je 2b
pushl %ecx
call _do_exit # remember to set bit 7 when dumping core
addl $4,%esp
jmp 3b

.align 2
push %ds # save ds,es and put kernel data space
push %es # into them. %fs is used by _system_call
push %fs
pushl %edx # we save %eax,%ecx,%edx as gcc doesn't
pushl %ecx # save those across function calls. %ebx
pushl %ebx # is saved as we use that in ret_sys_call
pushl %eax
movl $0x10,%eax
mov %ax,%ds
mov %ax,%es
movl $0x17,%eax
mov %ax,%fs
incl _jiffies
movb $0x20,%al # EOI to interrupt controller #1
outb %al,$0x20
movl CS(%esp),%eax
andl $3,%eax # %eax is CPL (0 or 3, 0=supervisor)
pushl %eax
call _do_timer # 'do_timer(long CPL)' does everything from
addl $4,%esp # task switching to accounting ...
jmp ret_from_sys_call

.align 2
lea EIP(%esp),%eax
pushl %eax
call _do_execve
addl $4,%esp

.align 2
call _find_empty_process
testl %eax,%eax
js 1f
push %gs
pushl %esi
pushl %edi
pushl %ebp
pushl %eax
call _copy_process
addl $20,%esp
1: ret

pushl %eax
pushl %ecx
pushl %edx
push %ds
push %es
push %fs
movl $0x10,%eax
mov %ax,%ds
mov %ax,%es
movl $0x17,%eax
mov %ax,%fs
movb $0x20,%al
outb %al,$0x20 # EOI to interrupt controller #1
jmp 1f # give port chance to breathe
1: jmp 1f
1: outb %al,$0xA0 # same to controller #2
movl _do_hd,%eax
testl %eax,%eax
jne 1f
movl $_unexpected_hd_interrupt,%eax
1: call %eax # "interesting" way of handling intr.
pop %fs
pop %es
pop %ds
popl %edx
popl %ecx
popl %eax

Father of Linux

Tovarz was born on December 28, 1969, in Helsinki, Finland, to both parents as journalists. H e has been interested in computers since he was a young age. I n 1988 he studied computer science at the University of Helsinki. I n 1991, he purchased a PC of his own. The University of Helsinki was using the Unix operating system at the time, and Tovarz felt that the product was not performing as well as possible, so he tried to write his own operating system kernel, which is where the Linux operating system came from.

From 1997 to 2003, Tovarz worked for Transmeta, California, USA. I n July 2003, he joined the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL) to fully develop the Linux kernel. O SDL later merged with the Free Standards Group (FSG) to form the Linux Foundation. T ovarz still works for the Linux Foundation. Unlike other IT stars, Mr. Tovitz is usually low-key and rarely comments publicly on the quality of a business competitor's product.

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