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7. python string formatting method (2)

May 10, 2021 Python2

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7. python string formatting method (2)

This follows the previous section, where we talked about how to add specific formatting

is to specify the size, alignment, and type-specific encoding of the replacement field, as follows:


Fieldname specifies a number or keyword for an argument, followed by an optional .name or reference

Conversionflag can be r/s/a or a call to the repr/str/ascii built-in function on that value

formatspec specifies how the value is represented, such as field broadband, alignment, zeroing, scale accuracy, and so on, and ends with an optional data type encoding

  >>> '{0:10}={1:10}'.format ('abcde',1.234566789)  
  'abcde     =1.234566789'    >>> '{0:10}={1:3}'.format ('abcde',1.234566789)  
  'abcde     =1.234566789'  
  >>> '{0:10}={1:3}'.format ('abcde',123456678.9)  
  'abcde     =123456678.9'  
  >>> '{0:.format ('abcde',123456678.9)  
  'abcde     =123456678.9'    >>> '{0:>10}={1:3}'.format ('abcde',123456678.9)  
  '     abcde=123456678.9'  
  >>> import sys  
  >>> '{0.platform:>10}={1:3}'.format (sys,123456678.9)  
  '     win32=123456678.9'  

Some examples are given above

The parameters of a field that is 10 bytes wide are represented by

The parameters of a left-aligned 10-byte-wide field are represented by the

The parameters of a right-aligned 10-byte-wide field are represented by

The properties of the sys module are read by the s0.platform

Here are some more examples

  >>> '{0:e},{1:.3e},{2:g}'.format (3.141592,3.141592,3.141592)  
  >>> '{0:f},{1:.2f},{2:06.2f}'.format (3.141592,3.141592,3.141592)  

The representative of the

Only three-bit scientific counting is reserved for the scientific count of the three-bit

Use g to represent floating points

The floating point of the two-bits is retained by the value of the two-bit

The six-byte section of the .2:06.2f is a string that retains two-bit-less-width complements

In addition to the above hedding system, also supports the octal system, he heteen system

  >>> '{0:X},{1:o},{2:b}'.format (255,255,255)  
  >>> bin(255),int('11111111',2),0b11111111  

It also supports embedding expressions in format for dynamic acquisition

  >>> '{0:f},{1:.2f},{2:06.2f}'.format (1/3,1/3,1/3)  