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2017 Alibaba interview technical challenge question leaked - full version with answers

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

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Alibaba interview technology challenge questions leaked

Job-hopping, are you still hesitating? J oin Ali's predecessors to personally ask questions, take you smooth Get Ali technical interview experience! W ill there be a chance to join Ali in this job-hopping? Let's take a self-test and see your level!

 2017 Alibaba interview technical challenge question leaked - full version with answers2

1, the first 3 stages of the compiler to complete the work is: "single-choice"
A: Lexical analysis, grammar analysis, and code optimization
B: Code generation, code optimization, and lexical analysis
C: Lexical analysis, grammar analysis, semantic analysis, and intermediate code generation
D: Lexical analysis, semantic analysis, and intermediate code generation
Answer (C)

2, in the worst case, the following sorting methods in the least time complexity is:
A: Bubbling sort
B: Quick sorting
C: Insert sort
D: Heap sorting
Answer (D)

3, the common HTTP request returns the status code, indicating that Forbidden (resources are not allowed to use) is: "single-choice"
Answer (D)

4, unlockless programming common methods are: "multi-choice"
A: For counters, you can use atomic additions
B: With only one producer and one consumer, lock-free access to ring buffers is possible
C:Read-Copy-Update, a switching mechanism for old and new replicas, allows for delayed release of old copies
D: CAS (Compare-and-Swap), such as lockless stack, lockless queue waiting
Answer (D)

5, set t-1, a-2, b-1, execution if (a-b) >0) t-a-plus; The value of the last t is: Single
Answer (B)

6. Which of the following functional components of the operating system does not require hardware support? Single-choice
A: Process scheduling
B: Clock management
C: Address mapping
D: Interrupt the system
Answer (A)

7, a pile of stones, a total of 100, A, B take turns to take stones from the pile, each time can take 2, 4 or 6, to obtain the final stone players for the winner, if A first take, then:
A: A must win
B: B must win
C: No one can win
D: Not sure
Answer (D)

8. In the TCP/IP model architecture, the ICMP protocol belongs to:
A: Application layer
B: Network layer
C: Data link layer
D: Transport layer
Answer (B)

9, the first 3 stages of the compiler to complete the work is: "single-choice"
A: Lexical analysis, grammar analysis, and code optimization
B: Code generation, code optimization, and lexical analysis
C: Lexical analysis, grammar analysis, semantic analysis, and intermediate code generation
D: Lexical analysis, semantic analysis, and intermediate code generation
Answer (C)

10, drawers have red ball, blue ball, yellow ball, orange ball each 100, now each person came to randomly draw a ball, then up to a few people after pumping, can ensure that a certain set of 20 balls of the same color (single choice)
Answer (C)

11, from the CPU architecture point of view, which of the following CPU architecture and other different? Single-choice
Answer (B)

12. IPv6 appears to address the immediate depletion of ip worldwide, and compared to IPv4, the following description of its characteristics is incorrect:
A: The routing table is larger
B: Good scalability
D: Simplified header format
Answer (A)

 2017 Alibaba interview technical challenge question leaked - full version with answers3
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