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12 selected CSS interview questions (including analysis)

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

This article collected and collated 12 interview questions about CSS, let's take a look at it.

1. In the css selector, the correct priority is ()

A, id selector> label selector> class selector

B, label selector> class selector> id selector

C, class selector> label selector> id selector

D, id selector> class selector> label selector

The four levels are defined as follows:

First class: represents an inline style, such as: style=”” with a weight of 1000

Second class: represents ID selector, such #content with a weight of 100

Third class: represents classes, pseudoclasses, and property selectors, such as .content with a weight of 10

Fourth class: represents type selectors and pseudo-element selectors, such as div p with a weight of 1

2. Which weight is the lowest in css as defined below? ( )

A、 #game .name

B、 #game .name span

C、 #game div

D、 #game

The higher the weight, the higher the priority

CSS selector priority refers to the priority of the 基础选择器

ID` > `CLASS` > `ELEMENT` > `*

3. Which of the following statements is true about HTML semantics? ( )

A. Semantic HTML facilitates machine reading, such as PDA handheld devices, search engine crawlers;

B, Table is an outdated label, when encountering a data list, you need to try to use div to simulate the table

C, Semantic is a new concept brought about by HTML5 previous versions of HTML can not be semantic

D, header article address are all semantically explicit labels


Pick D

1. What is HTML semantics?

Depending on the structure of the content (content semantics), select the right label (code semantics) for developers to read and write more elegant code while allowing browser crawlers and machines to parse well.

2. Why semantic?

In the absence of CSS the page can also present a good content structure, code structure

User experience: e.g. title alt for interpreting nouns or interpreting picture information, label labels;

Good for SEO Good communication with search engines helps reptiles crawl for more effective information:

Reptiles rely on tags to determine the context and weight of individual keywords, and make it easier for other devices to parse (such as screen readers, blind readers, mobile devices) to render web pages in meaningful ways;

Easy team development and maintenance, more readability of semantics, is an important next step in the web page, and teams that follow W3C standard follow it to reduce differentiation

4, CSS style, which of the following elements can reach the maximum width, and each before and after a line break? ( )

A、 Block Element

B、 Square Element

C、 Side Element

D、 Box Element


Pick A

Block element block element

The inline element within inline element line

inline-block element the block element within the line

5. Which part of HTML JavaScripts execute when the page loads? ( )

A, file head position

B, file tail

C, <head> the label section

D, <body> the label section


Pick D

JavaScripts in the head section are executed when they are called.

JavaScripts in the body section are executed when the page JavaScripts

6, the following statements are correct: ( )

A、 visibility:hidden ; The occupied space position still exists, only visually completely transparent;

B、 display:none ; Do not reserve its physical space for hidden objects;

C、 visibility:hidden ; W ith display:none There is no essential difference between the two;

D、 visibility:hidden ; Produces reflow and repaint (backflow and redraw);

Select A B

visiblity Invisible, touching.

display Invisible, untouchable.

display is dom and can be rendered and redrawn.

visiblity is not dom level, cannot be redrawn, can only be rendered

7, a new window to open the web page, using which of the following values ( )

A、 _self

B、 _blank

C、 _top

D、 _parent


Select B

Open a link in html by <a> tag, and > the target of the tag through <a>

The property specifies where to open the linked document.

If the target property is written in the label <a> the browser opens the frame <frame> or window that matches its name or name based on the property value of target

There are four reserved property values in target as follows.

_black Open the linked document in a new window

_self Default. Open the linked document in the same framework

_ parent Opens the linked document in the parent frame

_top Open the linked document throughout the window

framename Open the linked document in the specified frame

8, the following statement is wrong is ( )

A, setting the elements after display:none will only cause the browser to rear overrone without redrawing

B. Setting the elements after visibility:hidde will only cause the browser to redraw without rear rescheduling

C, after setting the element opacity:0 you can also trigger a click event

D, visibility:hidden elements cannot trigger their click events


Select A

Setting the elements after display:none causes the browser to redraw

9, after the hyperlink access hover style does not appear, the clicked visited hyperlink style no longer has hover and active the solution is to change the order of CSS properties? ( )

A、 a:link {} a:visited {} a:hover {} a:active {}

B、 a:visited {} a:link {} a:hover {} a:active {}

C、 a:active {} a:link {} a:hover {} a:visited {}

D、 a:link {} a:active {} a:hover {} a:visited {}


Select A

a:link`; `a:visited`; `a:hover`; `a:active;

a:hover must be placed after a:link and a:visited

a:active must be placed after a:hover

10, about position positioning, the following statement is wrong is ( )

A, fixed element, which can be positioned relative to the specified coordinates of the browser window, is always based on body

B, relative element is offset by its original position as the base, and after it moves, the original position no longer occupies space

An element of C, absolute if its parent container has a position property set and position position's property value is absolute relative or absolute relative is offset based on the parent container

D, the element of the fixed property does not occupy a position in the standard stream


Select B

absolute Creates an absolutely positioned element that is positioned relative to the first parent element other than static positioning, which fixed specified by left top right and bottom properties:

An absolutely positioned element is generated, positioned relative to the browser window, and the position of the element relative specified by left top right and bottom properties:

Creates a relatively positioned element that is positioned relative to its normal position, so left:20 adds 20 static to the LEFT position of the element:

Default, no positioning, element appears in normal flow (ignore top bottom left right or z-index declaration) inherit

Specifies that the value of the position property should be inherited from the parent element

11, which properties in css can be inherited ( )

A、 font-size

B、 color

C、 font-family

D、 border


Select A B C

margin padding border display cannot be inherited

12. What is the role of clear in css ( )

A, clear all styles of the element

B, clear all styles of the element's parent element

C. Indicates that there is no floating element around the element

D, indicating that a floating element must not appear around the parent element of the element


Select C

clear` : `none` | `left` | `right` | `both

(Recommended tutorial: CSS tutorial)

For clear floats for clear CSS this rule affects only the elements that use the purge itself, not the other elements

Source: Public Number -- Frontman Author: Ghost Brother

The above is W3Cschool编程狮 on the 12 questions selected CSS interview questions (including analysis) related to the introduction, I hope to help you.