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What's the difference between newtonsoft.json and json?

Asked by Alina Rodriguez on Dec 06, 2021 JSON

Newtonsoft.Json is flexible by default. This fundamental difference in design is behind many of the following specific differences in default behavior. During deserialization, Newtonsoft.Json does case-insensitive property name matching by default.
In addition, System.Text.Json strictly adheres to the JSON spec, RFC 8259 - things you previously could do with Newtonsoft.Json (because it wasn't spec compliant) aren't allowed in System.Text.Json. For example, Newtonsoft.Json will deserialize: Null values for non-nullable fields properties (null -> an int property is allowed)
Similarly, It is based on JSON, the JavaScript Object Notation. The features include points, line strings, polygons, and multi-part collections of these types; JSON: A lightweight data-interchange format. JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format.
BSON is a serialization format encoding format for JSON mainly used for storing and accessing the documents whereas JSON is a human-readable standard file format mainly used for transmission of data in the form of key-value attribute pairs.
In respect to this,
For example, Newtonsoft.Json accepts the following JSON: System.Text.Json only accepts property names and string values in double quotes because that format is required by the RFC 8259 specification and is the only format considered valid JSON.