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How are foreach loops different from for loops in javascript?

Asked by Karsyn Bailey on Dec 07, 2021 JavaScript

JavaScript forEach vs for Loop In a traditional for loop, you would have to access each item in the “companies” list by list indexing. A forEach loop gives you direct access to each item in an array. Indexing is where you specify the index number of the value you want to access in a list.
Foreach loop (or for each loop) is a control flow statement for traversing items in a collection. Foreach is usually used in place of a standard for loop statement.
Additionally, There are two ways to create an array in JavaScript: The array literal, which uses square brackets. The array constructor, which uses the new keyword.
Also Know,
The javascript loop is used to provide to the enumerate properties of a JavaScript object . This loop only found in JavaScript . This statement in the loop are executed for each property of an object until every property has been accessed.
The foreach () method has a standard script block parameter that contains the actions to take over each iteration, just like the others. The most significant difference with the foreach () method is how it works under the hood.