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How to inflate tablayout viewpager in java?

Asked by Madelynn Douglas on Nov 29, 2021 Java

Inflate them in the in the onCreateOptionsMenu () To inflate the menu layout add the following method in the The menu_main.xml looks like this: This brings an end to this tutorial. You can download the Android TabLayoutViewPager Project from the below link.
You can fix it by attaching Android Tablayout with Viewpager, so when you try to swipe it will sync with Tablayout tabs indicator. viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener (new TabLayout.TabLayoutOnPageChangeListener (tabLayout)); 27- Build and run the app to see the changes. Android Tablayout example with working tabs.
Furthermore, To include a TabLayout in a ViewPager, add a <TabLayout> element inside of the <ViewPager> element, as shown below: Next, use setupWithViewPager () to link the TabLayout to the ViewPager. The individual tabs in the TabLayout are automatically populated with the page titles from the PagerAdapter: ...
In fact,
When used together with a ViewPager, a TabLayout can provide a familiar interface for navigating between pages in a swipe view. Figure 1: A TabLayout with four tabs.
Figure 1: A TabLayout with four tabs. To include a TabLayout in a ViewPager, add a <TabLayout> element inside of the <ViewPager> element, as shown below: Next, use setupWithViewPager () to link the TabLayout to the ViewPager.