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Where did jar jar binks go after naboo?

Asked by Savannah Clark on Dec 05, 2021 Go

Putting his awkward past behind him, Jar Jar left the swamps of Naboo to enter the even murkier waters of Coruscant politics, becoming a representative for his people in the galactic capital. There, his best intentions and eagerness to serve were exploited by scheming Senators and others in positions of power.
The emergency powers Binks proposed were used by the chancellor, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, to amass total power and transform the Republic into the Empire. In the years that followed, Binks once again became an outcast on Naboo due to his role in the rise of the Empire.
Moreover, Jar Jar became a Clown on Naboo because he was exiled from the Gungan Underwater city, after they believed that he was the reason that the Empire and Emperor Palpatine was created. On Naboo, he met a boy named Mapo, who was an orphan of the Empire.
During the war, Binks once again had to orchestrate peace between his species and the Naboo. Rumors started to spread that the Gungans were going to aid the Separatists in taking over the planet, and their grand army would invade the city of Theed.
Also Know,
―Jar Jar Binks and Qui-Gon Jinn [src] Binks meets Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Boss Nass banished Jar Jar Binks from his home of Otoh Gunga, an underwater city that lay beneath the Mid Rim planet of Naboo 's Lake Paonga, for crashing his personal heyblibber submarine.