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How does git-tfs work with tfs branch?

Asked by Eva Franklin on Dec 13, 2021 Git

Git-tfs creates TFS checkins from your local commits, and updates your local branch to point to these new commits. TFS source control has branching support. In TFS, a branch looks like another folder in your project. Git-tfs includes the ability to map TFS branches to Git branches.
So, in case you are still using TFVC as your version control on TFS or Azure DevOps, here are a few reasons to make the move to Git: Git has a really light branching model where each branch you create is extremely lightweight — every branch you create is like a link to a specific commit, instead of a copy of your whole project.
Besides, initialize a local git repo; add a git-tfs remote called ‘default’ and a local branch called ‘master’ and pull down all the changesets on the branch you requested, adding them one by one to the new git repository. each TFS changeset is pulled down one at a time into a local workspace tucked inside the repository’s.git folder.
When you are ready to check in your work in tfs, just checkout your local branch then use the command: The tfs branch will be created and all the git commits in the local branch will be checked in the Tfs branch \o/ This command will only rename the local remote and will not rename the branch in TFS.
In addition,
But to use rcheckin in a synchronisation process between git and TFS, you should before (abolutely) understand how it works! When you rcheckin git commits in TFS, git-tfs, for each commit create the corresponding changeset in tfs and fetch the content of this changeset to recreate a git commit.