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Why is the scipy library based on numpy?

Asked by Pablo Keller on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

The SciPy library depends on NumPy, which provides convenient and fast N-dimensional array manipulation. The main reason for building the SciPy library is that, it should work with NumPy arrays. It provides many user-friendly and efficient numerical practices such as routines for numerical integration and optimization.
Just so,
The SciPy library builds on top of NumPy and operates on arrays. The computational power is fast because NumPy uses C for evaluation. The Python scientific stack is similar to MATLAB, Octave, Scilab, and Fortran. The main difference is Python is easy to learn and write.
Thereof, NumPy stands for Numerical Python while SciPy stands for Scientific Python. Both of their functions are written in Python language. We use NumPy for homogenous array operations. We use NumPy for the manipulation of elements of numerical array data.
Keeping this in consideration,
SciPy package in Python is the most used Scientific library only second to GNU Scientific Library for C/C++ or Matlab’s. Easy to use and understand as well as fast computational power. It can operate on an array of NumPy library. Numpy is written in C and use for mathematical or numeric calculation.
In respect to this,
1. SciPy builds on NumPy. All the numerical code resides in SciPy. The SciPy module consists of all the NumPy functions. It is however better to use the fast processing NumPy. 2. NumPy has a faster processing speed than other python libraries.