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Why is my integer value not a valid integer value?

Asked by Beau Todd on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

We help IT Professionals succeed at work. i have a data field called studentID. e.g: 26453156 or 89764569 or 65465978 i will received an error message note me that "26453156 is not a valid integer value. problem: why 26453156 is not a valid integer value. You need a subscription to comment. Start Free Trial You need a subscription to watch.
This is generally determined by what the number is describing. Thus, if its looking for a date, a valid value might be any number between 1 and 31, depending on the month. If its looking for a month, it may be looking for any number between 1 and 12.
In fact, Error: The value ” is invalid according to its datatype ‘Integer’ – The string ” is not a valid Integer value. Cause: XML schema validation fails when no value is passed in the element that is defined as Integer. Resolution: Need to use a Union type to allow empty values.
The method checks if a specified object is of a specified type or not. Another method to check if the variable is an integer or not is the is_integer () function which checks if a given float variable holds an integer value or a decimal value. Problem: Given a variable in a program; how to check if it is an integer or not?
In the article Check if a given string is a valid number, we have discussed general approach to check whether a string is a valid number or not. In Java we can use Wrapper classes parse () methods along with try-catch blocks to check for a number.