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Why is my angular module not found in angular 2?

Asked by Cyrus Reilly on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

When you run the ng build in angular 2, latest angular-cli automatically runs with --aot parameter (ahead of time compilation), so it is trying to optimize your code. You are having a package that is not yet compatible for optimizing. So you need update to your packages.
Most of the cases, that module would be the AppModule in your app directory. Only import the modules you really need! Importing unnecessarily module bloats your application size significantly. This advice does not only apply to framework angular modules. It also applies to any angular module you might want to use, including third-party ones.
And, The @angular/http module has been removed in recent versions of Angular and replaced by @angular/common/http . Furthermore, there are some name changes that might need manual fixing, including:
In respect to this,
This error indicates that the Angular Forms Module was not imported into our module. Unhandled Promise rejection: No provider for HttpClient! It means that the HttpClient Module was not imported into our root module. The solution is simple: we need to import the missing modules in our main module.
Also Know,
This ModuleId value is used by the Angular reflection processes and the metadata_resolver component to evaluate the fully-qualified component path before the component is constructed It's very easy to use. Just add one more entry in @Component decorative.