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Why does itunes keep making duplicates?

Asked by Eileen Freeman on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

Take care. iTunes may create duplicates if the same content is repeatedly added from outside the media folder when it is set to make copies of anything that is added to the library, or is added from an external drive that hosts the media folder that was offline when iTunes was launched.
In respect to this,
With iTunes open to the duplicated songs search, hold the Command button and select the duplicate items you’d like to delete. Right-click the songs in question and select Delete From Library. Alternatively, you can just select the songs and hit the Delete key.
One may also ask, How to Delete Duplicates in Excel Open your Excel document file by double-clicking on the file name. ... Once your file is open, select the range that you want to delete duplicates from. ... Your chosen range should now be highlighted. Click the Data tab, which is a tab on the left side of the green toolbar at the top of the Excel window. More items...
In fact,
First select DISTINCT values you need, then apply LISTAGG to them. Here's an example based on Scott's schema.
Date is the date of last document posting. Year displayed is the offical publication year. Duplicate results are automatically merged. Select the search button to show changes to filters and sort.