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Why does heroku say fatal remote heroku already exists?

Asked by Jackson Schneider on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

If you’ve already added a remote called heroku, you may get an error like this: “fatal: remote heroku already exists.” so, then remove the existing remote and add it again with the above command: Hope this helps…
Keeping this in consideration,
Permission denied (publickey) when deploying heroku code. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly If it asks for any passphrase don't use blank, fill with a passphrase but do not forget it. Use the passphrase that you set above. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!
Also Know, You definitely don’t need to be a Git expert to deploy code to Heroku, but it’s helpful to learn the basics. If your app is already tracked in a Git repository, proceed to Creating a Heroku remote. Before you can deploy your app to Heroku, you need to initialize a local Git repository and commit your application code to it.
In this manner,
One common source of SSH key problems is that Heroku has been configured with a key that’s different the key your git command is offering to Heroku. For example, if you get Permission denied (publickey) - validate the connection and check which key is being offered to Heroku.
USAGE $ heroku addons:destroy [ADDON]... [flags] OPTIONS -a, --app=app app to run command against -c, --confirm=confirm -f, --force allow destruction even if connected to other apps -r, --remote=remote git remote of app to use detach an existing add-on resource from an app