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Why does append append list in all classes?

Asked by Lachlan Barber on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

I'd expect to get [14] in return by the 'Main=main (14)', and [12] with the 'AV.buttonlist' but instead it seems append has appended the list in all classes and objects :S can anyone explain to me why this is? thanks in advance! Because buttonlist is a class variable, not an instance variable.
The append() method adds an item to the end of the list. The append() method adds a single item to the existing list. It doesn't return a new list; rather it modifies the original list. The syntax of append() method is: append() Parameters. The append() method takes a single item and adds it to the end of the list.
Also Know, The append() method adds a single item to the existing list. It doesn't return a new list; rather it modifies the original list. The syntax of append() method is: append() Parameters. The append() method takes a single item and adds it to the end of the list. The item can be numbers, strings, another list, dictionary etc.
Keeping this in consideration,
Using the Python append method is simple – all you need to define is the list and the element to add: Example. list.append (element) The append function in Python doesn't have a return value: it doesn't create any new, original lists. Instead, it updates a list that already exists, increasing its length by one.
If we want to add an element at the end of a list, we should use append. It is faster and direct. If we want to add an element somewhere within a list, we should use insert. It is the only option for this.