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Why do i need to remove usesignalr from signalr?

Asked by Sadie Owen on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

Endpoint routing enabled SignalR to interact with other routing components. Switching to this model allows users to realize the full benefits of endpoint routing. Consequently, the old methods have been removed. Remove code that calls UseSignalR or UseConnections from your project's Startup.Configure method.
The classic way to do something like that would be to call the server at regular intervals to get the status of the schedule, but to have pseudo real-time update, you must call the server pretty often. With SignalR, the server can call a JavaScript methods on all the clients by itself when updates are required.
One may also ask, Security warning: Exposing ConnectionId can lead to malicious impersonation if the SignalR server or client version is ASP.NET Core 2.2 or earlier. Exceptions thrown in your hub methods are sent to the client that invoked the method. On the JavaScript client, the invoke method returns a JavaScript Promise.
The scaleout model for ASP.NET SignalR allows clients to reconnect and send messages to any server in the farm. In ASP.NET Core SignalR, the client must interact with the same server for the duration of the connection. For scaleout using Redis, that means sticky sessions are required.
Keeping this in consideration,
You can create one in Visual Studio's new ASP.NET Core project dialog or run the following .NET CLI command: A new ASP.NET Core Razor Pages application with individual authentication is created. By default, users are stored in a SQLite database. To use ASP.NET Core SignalR, it must be added to the project from NuGet.