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Why do column headers sit in front of row headers?

Asked by Mary Macias on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

The different z-index values help ensure your column headers sit in front of your row headers. Otherwise the visible row header will look like it is for the column headers and that is just weird. While you are at it, make sure the header cells have a background color or you will get layered text.
Row header or Row heading is the gray-colored column located on the left side of column 1 in the worksheet which contains the numbers ( 1, 2, 3, etc.) where it helps out to identify each row in the worksheet. Whereas column header is the gray-colored row, usually it will be letters (A, B, C, etc.) which helps out to identify each column in the ...
Subsequently, In many tables, the first row, going from left to right, contains headers for the information in the columns below it. Also, many times the first column, going up and down, contains headers for the information in the rows to the right.
One may also ask,
The first row of your selection will automatically be assigned as column headers. Click Ok. You will see your data is converted into a Table. You can Enable or Disable the Header row by going into the “Design” tab of the Table.
In respect to this,
Sometimes you may need to move or convert column headers to row headers, and switch the corresponding data together as below screenshot shown. It is easy to achieve with the Paste Special feature of Excel. Move or convert column headers to row headers with Paste Special feature.