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Who is the creator of the primefaces library?

Asked by Aziel Durham on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

Primefaces is an UI (User Interface) library for JSF (JavaServer Faces) based applications. It is designed and developed by PrimeTek.
In respect to this,
Enhanced mobile user experience with touch optimized responsive design elements. The creator of PrimeFaces is PrimeTek Informatics, the distinguished component library vendor who built popular open source projects such as PrimeNG, PrimeReact and PrimeVue over the past years.
Thereof, PrimeFlex consists of various CSS utilities that can be combined with Prime UI libraries to craft spectacular applications in no time. The creator of PrimeFlex is PrimeTek Informatics, the distinguished component library vendor who built popular open source projects such as PrimeFaces, PrimeNG, PrimeReact and PrimeVue over the past years.
PrimeFlex is a lightweight responsive CSS utility library to accompany Prime UI libraries and static webpages as well. No time to wait for a response at forum or issue tracker? Then PrimeFaces PRO Support is definitely for you.
Powerful yet simple to use, versatile, performant Vue UI Component Library to help you build stunning user interfaces. The creator of PrimeVue is PrimeTek Informatics, the distinguished component library vendor who built popular open source projects such as PrimeFaces, PrimeNG and PrimeReact over the past years.