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Which is the most comprehensive list of linq samples?

Asked by Esperanza Waters on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

For a truly comprehensive list of LINQ samples, visit 101 LINQ Samples. The following examples are a quick demonstration of some of the essential pieces of LINQ. This is in no way comprehensive, as LINQ provides more functionality than what is showcased here. ' Filtering a list.
Since you haven't given any indication to what you want, here is a link to 101 LINQ samples that use all the different LINQ methods: 101 LINQ Samples Also, you should really really really change your List into a strongly typed list ( List<T> ), properly define T, and add instances of T to your list.
Additionally, Example: LINQ GroupBy Query - C# var studentsGroupByStandard = from s in studentList group s by s.StandardID into sg orderby sg.Key select new { sg.Key, sg }; foreach (var group in studentsGroupByStandard) { Console.WriteLine ("StandardID {0}:", group.Key); ().ForEach (st => Console.WriteLine (st.StudentName)); }
In addition,
System.Linq namespace contains the necessary classes & interfaces for LINQ. If an object implements IEnumerable interface, then you can use this object as a source of data in LINQ. The Enumerable class includes extension methods for classes that implements IEnumerable<T> interface. The types of LINQ are mentioned below in brief.
In this manner,
A set of extension methods forming a query pattern is known as LINQ Standard Query Operators. As building blocks of LINQ query expressions, these operators offer a range of query capabilities like filtering, sorting, projection, aggregation, etc.