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Which is the latest version of guriddo jqgrid js?

Asked by Atlas Gill on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

We are happy to inform you that the new release of Guriddo jqGrid JS version 5.5.4 is released. This is bug fix release, but add a full support of jQuery 3.5.X, has numerous important fixes and add a very useful additions. Below is the list of additions and bug fixes.
Guriddo jqGrid was developed by Tony Tomov at Trirand Inc., a software development firm based in Sofia, Bulgaria. Trirand specializes in the development of web components, and embraces free and open standards like jQuery, jQuery UI ThemeRoller, Bootstrap. The first version of jqGrid was released August, 2007
Just so, One can say that starting with the version 4.7.1 updates were no longer being made to jqGrid, however, a commercial product was made in its place: Guriddo jqGrid JS instead. Free jqGrid will be developed based on jqGrid 4.7 and provided under MIT and GPL v2 licenses.
jqGrid is a popular jQuery Plugin for displaying and editing data in tabular form. It has some other more sophisticated features, like subgrids, TreeGrids, grouping and so on. jqGrid was developed mostly by Tony Tomov in the past and it was available under MIT/GPL-licences till the version 4.7.0 published Dec 8, 2014 (see here).
For styling, Guriddo jqGrid can be used with Bootstrap CSS or jQuery UI. The grid doesn't depend on these Java Script libraries and it is not necessary to load them. Guriddo jqGrid's Home page can be found here.