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Which is the iterator trait class in cppreference?

Asked by Sunny Montoya on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

std::iterator_traits is the type trait class that provides uniform interface to the properties of LegacyIterator types. This makes it possible to implement algorithms only in terms of iterators. The class defines the following types: value_type - the type of the values that can be obtained by dereferencing the iterator.
std::iterator_traits is the type trait class that provides uniform interface to the properties of Iterator types. This makes it possible to implement algorithms only in terms of iterators.
In this manner, Defines the category of an iterator. Each tag is an empty type. For every LegacyIterator type It, a typedef std::iterator_traits<It>::iterator_category must be defined to be an alias to one of these tag types, to indicate the most specific category that It is in. input_iterator_tag corresponds to LegacyInputIterator .
Oct 28 '11 at 10:21 Any container that has broken stl-support: it does have iterator and const_iterator, those can be incremented, decremented, dereferenced, etc., but neither the container nor the iterators have std-compliant nested typedefs. – imre
In respect to this,
random_access_iterator_tag corresponds to LegacyRandomAccessIterator. Iterator category tags carry information that can be used to select the most efficient algorithms for the specific requirement set that is implied by the category.