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Which is the event binder for wx.combobox?

Asked by Ares Coleman on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

Only one event binder processes the event emitted by this class. It is wx.EVT_CHOICE. This example displays the features of wx.ComboBox and wx.Choice. Both objects are put in a vertical box sizer. The lists are populated with items in languages [] List object. Event binders EVT_COMBOBOX and EVT_CHOICE process corresponding events on them.
Process a wxEVT_COMBOBOX_CLOSEUP event, which is generated when the list box of the combo box disappears (closes up). This event is only generated for the same platforms as wxEVT_COMBOBOX_DROPDOWN above.
In addition, A wx.ComboBox object presents a list of items to select from. It can be configured to be a dropdown list or with permanent display. The selected item from the list is displayed in a text field, which by default is editable, but can be set to be read-only in the presence of wx.CB_READONLY style parameter.
Process a wxEVT_COMBOBOX_DROPDOWN event, which is generated when the list box part of the combo box is shown (drops down). Notice that this event is only supported by wxMSW, wxGTK with GTK+ 2.10 or later, and wxOSX/Cocoa. Process a wxEVT_COMBOBOX_CLOSEUP event, which is generated when the list box of the combo box disappears (closes up).
It can be displayed as static list with editable or read-only text field; or a drop-down list with text field; or a drop-down list without a text field depending on the platform and presence of wxCB_READONLY style. A combobox permits a single selection only. Combobox items are numbered from zero.