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Which is the default page type in typo3?

Asked by Vivian Meyers on Dec 13, 2021 FAQ

Your default page will most likely have type 0 while a JSON stream with the same content could go with type 1. When rendering pages in the frontend, TYPO3 uses the GET parameter “type” to define how the page should be rendered. This is primarily used with different representations of the same content.
In addition,
The page properties that are available depend on the page type and your TYPO3 installation. The default properties available in the Introduction Package for the Standard page type include: This tab contains general information about the page. You can change the Page Type, and edit titles for the page and the URL.
Also, The TYPO3 configuration file LocalConfiguration.php, which contains sensitive data, would be a typical example. Besides the strict separation between multiple virtual hosts, it is possible to revoke any write permissions for the web server user (e.g. www-data) to the TYPO3 source directory in general.
In fact,
The default properties available in the Introduction Package for the Standard page type include: This tab contains general information about the page. You can change the Page Type, and edit titles for the page and the URL. The Page Title is used directly to generate speaking URLs.
By default, every page is included in the TYPO3 CMS built-in search engine :ref:<indexed_search>. Use this flag to exclude the current page. Use this option to exclude the child page of the current page from rendering in page tree of the backend.